Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Frequently Asked Questions for Healthcare Providers

Frequently Asked Questions


The hospital CEO is required to complete a Newborn Screening Program Hospital Contacts and Designees form each year.  On the form, the CEO designates an individual to receive screen negative results.  This individual is responsible for obtaining results through the Secure Remote Viewer (SRV).  The hospital of birth is responsible for notifying the primary care provider of the result.

All results are available 7 days after the specimen is received by the Program. Providers are made aware of actionable results as soon as they are available.

The hospital CEO is required to complete a newborn screening program hospital contacts and designees form each year.  On the form, the CEO designates an individual at the hospital to receive abnormal results.  The abnormal results are also sent to the primary care physician listed on the blood collection form.  If the newborn is referred to a specialist, the specialist is also sent the results.

There are a number of ways to train new staff and to provide refresher training. Please visit our Specimen Collection page[1] for information and an instructional video on the proper collection technique. Complimentary DVDs are also available to order through our website, by calling 518-473-7552.  Blood Collection and Simple Spot Check posters are also available for ordering.  Newborn Screening Program staff can also provide suggestions by phone.  Click here[2] to accesss the order form for any of these supplies.

Educational materials can be ordered online[3] or by phone at 518-473-7552.

The birth attendant is responsible for submitting a specimen for each newborn. 

Optimal timing is 24-36 hours after birth. The specimen should be taken when the newborn is greater than 24 hours of age, unless they are receiving a blood transfusion or total parenteral nutrition.  In these cases, a specimen should be taken prior to these actions; a repeat specimen will need to be drawn at a later time.  For additional information visit our Specimen Collection page[4].

Please notify the Newborn Screening Program at 518-473-7552 if there is a family history of a screened disorder.  This information can also be included in the Notes section of the blood collection form.

Testing cannot be expedited.  Testing is performed as quickly as possible.  However, you may request early notification of results if there is a family history of a disorder or the newborn has symptoms of any disorders on the Newborn Screening Program’s panel.

New York State law mandates that all infants will be screened.  Parents can only opt out of testing if the parent or guardian is a member of a recognized religious organization whose teachings and tenets are contrary to this testing.  For exempt infants, a signed Refusal of Newborn Screening Form[5] should be submitted to the Newborn Screening Program and a copy retained in the infant’s medical record.

Healthcare Providers

The Newborn Screening Program will accept an initial specimen for a child up to one year of age; however, our tests are optimized for newborns (< 28 days old).

Results should be obtained by using the web application (secure remote viewer).  The hospital is then responsible for forwarding the results to the newborn’s primary care physician.  If the results are abnormal, the primary care provider recorded on the blood collection form will be contacted.  Results for specimens collected in a physician’s office will be reported back to that physician. 

Please visit our Obtaining Results[6] page for complete instructions on accessing results from our web applications and other mechanisms for obtaining results

Instructions for accessing the Health Commerce System are found on our Obtaining Results page[7].

The hospital of birth or birth attendant is responsible for ensuring that a repeat specimen is collected.  This repeat specimen may be collected by the birth hospital or the newborn’s primary care physician.  If you know the baby requires a repeat specimen, you are strongly encouraged to collect it.

The birth attendant is responsible for ensuring that a suitable specimen is collected.

Visit our Specimen Collection[8] page for online instructions and an instructional video on collecting a suitable specimen. Complimentary DVDs are also available to order through our website[9], by calling 518-473-7552, or by calling 1-800-535-3079.  Blood Collection and Simple Spot Check posters are also available for ordering.  Newborn Screening Program staff can also provide suggestions by phone.

If the results of the initial screen reveal a borderline elevation or deficiency, another specimen will be requested.  If the results are in the referral range, consultation with a specialist and diagnostic testing are required.

When you are notified of the abnormal screen by phone, you will be given the name and contact information for a specialist.  It is important to work with them to achieve a diagnosis.  See our Specialty Care Centers pages[10] for more information.

The primary care provider and the specialist should coordinate the diagnostic evaluation and follow-up testing.

A negative result does not exclude the possibility that a newborn has one or more of the disorders on the panel.  If clinical suspicion exists for any of the disorders, diagnostic testing is recommended.

Specific values are not reported because the cut-offs for several tests are based on the interval test values.  This “floating” cut-off can fluctuate daily.  Floating cut-offs are used to control for climate conditions affecting specimens.

Newborn Screening Program NYS Department of Health Wadsworth Center 120 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12208

No! You should check for and act on the newborn screening results for all babies prior to their first visit or if you see a baby with a medical problem. One in every 300 babies has one of the screened conditions. Visit our Obtaining Results page[11] for ways to obtain screening results.

The Newborn Screening Program staff is trained to inspect specimens and identify problems that could affect the accuracy of the testing. What appears to be an acceptable specimen at the time of collection may develop problems during the drying steps that will render it unsuitable for testing.  If you have questions about a specific specimen or would like tips for specimen collection, please contact our Program at (518) 473-7552.


Blood collection forms are shipped to most birthing hospitals quarterly (Jan, April, July, Oct).  Hospitals with fewer than 400 births per year are sent their yearly supply in October.

All supplies can be ordered from our website[12] or by calling 518-473-9773. Please be sure to give us ample notice when you order supplies.

Absolutely, or call 518-473-9773 and let us know how many forms you would need to hold you over until the next quarterly shipment and we will mail them to you as soon as we can. Please be sure to give us ample notice when you order supplies.

Update the designee form as soon as possible by logging into HCS and following the instructions provided[13].

We take the total number of specimens we receive from your hospital the previous 12 months (all initial and repeat specimens), and add 10% to that number.

Hospitals may order up to 1000 for some languages, 500 for others, depending on our supply at the time you place your order.

Plan on 10 business days, but usually it takes less than that.

Remote Demographic Entry

Call the Newborn Screening Program at (518) 473-7552. We will discuss the procedure for entering data remotely and then refer you to our software vendor Neometrics, who will set up a training session either remotely or in person depending on your location. Newborn Screening results can be viewed through the HCS via a secure remote viewer (SRV).

RDE is used by hospitals to enter and transmit data into a secure web-based application through the Health Commerce System (HCS). This method uses a web-based screen and form that allows hospital staff to enter demographic data. Hospitals need to have appropriate staff trained for use of this service. RDE helps hospitals minimize manual completion of the blood collection form.