Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Cytopathology Requirements

New York State Public Health Law was amended effective December 13, 2024 such that cytotechnologists are no longer required to register with the Department. Compliance with the workload standard is still required.  


New York State Education Law also requires that cytotechnologists practicing in New York be licensed.  More information regarding licensure is available at State Education Department, Office of the Professions[1] or by calling (518) 474-3817.


Workload: New York State Public Health Law, Article 5, Title V, and Subpart 58-1 of Title 10 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (10 NYCRR) establish a workload limit for the examination of cytology slides by cytotechnologists and pathologists who perform primary screening, collectively referred to as primary screeners below. Provision is made to allow a primary screener to exceed this workload limit, provided he or she has demonstrated satisfactory performance and experience.

Proficiency Testing: Laboratories holding the permit category of Cytopathology – Gynecological Testing are required to submit records of proficiency testing (PT) enrollment or participation as part of the annual permit reapplication process every spring. Laboratories applying for the permit category of holding the permit category of Cytopathology – Gynecological Testing are required to submit proof of satisfactory PT participation prior to the issuance of the permit. Such documentation must reference the laboratory name and address. The PFI number of the laboratory must be handwritten on the paper if the CLIA number is not already included.