Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Proficiency Testing Administrative Policies

Laboratories applying for or holding a New York State clinical laboratory permit must:

  • Notify the Department of the provider and survey to be used to satisfy proficiency testing requirements.  Laboratories designate PT using the eCLEP module on the Health Commerce System for each category held; laboratories applying for new categories must designate as part of the add category request in eCLEP. 
  • Notify the proficiency testing provider(s) that all results must be released to the Department.
  • Notify the Department of temporary suspension of testing at the category or test level.
  • Comply with all requests for information regarding unsatisfactory or unsuccessful performance.  

Policies for Temporary Suspension of Testing

Temporary Suspension of Testing at the Category Level

If the laboratory is unable to participate in two or more consecutive proficiency events for all tests included in a permit category, the category will be deleted from the laboratory permit. To reapply for the category, the laboratory must submit a request to add the category via eCLEP. The laboratory will be required to successfully participate in one proficiency test event and have an on-site survey, if applicable.

Temporary Suspension of Testing at the Test Level

If the laboratory is unable to participate in two or more consecutive proficiency events for a test/analyte, the permit issued to the laboratory may be amended to specifically exclude that test until the laboratory demonstrates successful participating on one proficiency test event.