Wadsworth Center’s Bacteriology Laboratory Plays a Pivotal Role in New York City's Legionella Outbreak

The Wadsworth Center’s Bacteriology Laboratory played a pivotal role in the recent Legionella outbreak in New York City. The classical approach to Legionella testing is culture, but, as Legionella are slow growing and fastidious organisms and the water samples are usually heavily contaminated with other bacteria, obtaining results can take a long time, delaying the required public health response. In order to support more rapid decision making, Dr.

Newborn Screening Program Pilot Study: Hurler Syndrome

The New York State Newborn Screening Program screens all infants born in the state for 47 different diseases. In addition, the program is currently performing a pilot study with Dr. Melissa Wasserstein (pictured left), from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, to screen for four additional diseases that are lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs). Four New York City hospitals are participating and approximately 500 infants are being tested weekly in the pilot study.  The newest disorder to be tested is called Hurler syndrome.

Dr. Anil Ojha - Turning the Tide on Tuberculosis

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 2 million people are infected and 23,000 people die annually from drug resistant bacteria in the United States alone. Drug resistant tuberculosis in particular is described by CDC as a Serious Threat. For these reasons, bacterial drug resistance is a primary research focus for the Wadsworth Center.

Environmental Proficiency Testing & Validation Unit

Phone Number

Amy DeMarco

New York State Department of Health's Wadsworth Center (Certificate Number - 1785.01) is an American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accredited Proficiency Test (PT) provider for the design, preparation, and operation of PT schemes that meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17043, ISO/IEC 17025, and The NELAC Institute (TNI) Volume 3: General Requirements for Environmental Proficiency Test Providers.

Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul Visits Wadsworth Center's David Axelrod Institute for Public Health

On Monday June 15th the Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Kathy Hochul, visited the David Axelrod Institute. She had specifically asked to learn more about our preparedness and biodefense activities, so the first stop was a tour of the Biodefense Laboratory. Dr. Christina Egan described the laboratory’s capabilities to detect agents-of-concern in white powders, as well as other environmental samples, and the major push in the development and evaluation of new technologies since the anthrax attacks of 2001.

Spinal Cord Injury Research


United States

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Wadsworth Center
New York State Department of Health
Empire State Plaza, C345
Albany, NY 12237

The Extramural Grants Administration Program works to further the efforts of the Spinal Cord Injury Research Board (SCIRB). Each year, approximately 1,100 New York residents suffer traumatic spinal cord injuries joining the nearly 288,000 people living in the United States with paralysis. SCIRB’s mission, since 1998, has been to support neurological spinal cord injury scientific research projects from leading researchers within New York State to find a cure for spinal cord injuries.